Uniting children in play

Playgrounds and play areas serve many purposes. One of these is inclusion, to include everyone and unite children in play. More than 50% of the world’s population live in cities. In western nations, the figure exceeds 70%. For city-dwelling families, playgrounds are free and fun areas for spending positive time together, being physically active and taking ownership of the city itself, getting involved by connecting with others.

Playground planners need to create playgrounds that are accessible and usable for all. Making outdoor public area accessible for users with disabilities and providing play for all ages is an important part of this. Childforms has put together a set of principles for designing playgrounds and play equipment for everyone.

Older children are often forgotten in playground planning. This can lead to isolation and even vandalism. If designed to meet the needs of older children, playgrounds can positively influence physical activity, social interaction and sense of community ownership. They can also lead to a decrease in vandalism.